NNWLA's monthly newsletter is archived here
Time's Up: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace CLE on February 27th at noon Please join us on February 27, 2018 for a timely luncheon to discuss different aspects of sexual harassment in the workplace. This will not be like a typical sexual harassment training. The purpose of the presentation is to address how recent publicity surrounding sexual harassment and public figures is impacting businesses and individuals in Nevada. We are fortunate to have a diverse panel of notable Nevada women to address this issue, including, the Honorable Valerie P. Cooke, Boyd Professor Ann McGinley, Mary Dugan, and Ann Morgan. CLE credit is pending approval (ethics credit). The event will be held in a large conference room at the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office, which is located at 1 South Sierra Street in the South Tower on the 3rd floor. (Please note you will have to go through a metal detector to enter the building.) The event will be catered by the Cheese Board. The food will be served buffet style and will include salad, a variety of sandwiches, dessert, and water. The cost for the event is: $20 for members, $25 for non-members, and $40 for a member plus a guest. In order to ensure that we have enough seats and food for everyone, please RSVP by February 22nd. You can RSVP by paying for the event on our website (http://www.nnwla.com/events.html or by sending an email to [email protected] and mailing a check attention to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. Sustaining Member Spotlight Next month's scoop will feature an article about one of our sustaining members. Please contact Kendra Bertschy and [email protected] if there is a NNWLA sustaining member that you think we should spotlight. Save the date for NNWLA’s March 23rd Event with Judge Steinheimer On March 23rd, NNWLA will hold a Trial Tips Luncheon CLE with Judge Connie J. Steinheimer. Judge Steinheimer was first elected to serve as Judge in Department 4 of the Second Judicial District Court in 1992. During her tenure, she has presided over countless jury and non-jury trials, including a number of high profile cases. We are fortunate to have her share her experience and insight into successful trial practice with us. More details on the luncheon will follow. For now, please save the date for a CLE Luncheon on March 23rd! Space will be limited. January's NNWLA Social Thank you to everyone who braved the traffic to join us for our first social of the year at Full Pedal. It looks like everyone who went had a great time! Whether you were a beginner or a pro, it was a lot of fun! Member Corner The Law Offices of Andriea A. Aden, Esq. Chtd is moving and hiring! They are seeking applications for a full-time receptionist/legal assistant. Email a resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Additionally, as of March 2, 2018 their new address will be 243 Stewart St., Reno, Nevada 89501. Their new office number will be 775-633-9345. If you have new contact information, exciting news to share, a job opportunity, an organization seeking volunteers, or information about an event members would be interested in, please let the NNWLA Board know. Please send your submissions to Kendra Bertschy at [email protected]. Employment Opportunity Law Clerk The Second Judicial District Court has an immediate opening for the Department 2 Law Clerk position. Interested applicants should apply online at http://www.washoecourts.com. For more information, please go to: https://www.washoecourts.com/OtherDocs/HR/CurrentPostings/LawClerkJobPostingD2_01-11-18.pdf. Attorney Advisor NNWLA Member's Only Webpage Based upon popular demand, we are developing a member's only webpage where members can look to get and receive referrals. In order to complete this webpage, please fill out your membership form. Please click on this link to be directed to our membership page or print the attached form by clicking on this link. You can email the form to [email protected] or mail it to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. We need your information in order to create the website page. Membership Renewal There is still time to renew your NNWLA for 2018. Members not only get special pricing on events, but NNWLA is also working on a webpage where members can look to get and give referrals. Please click on this link to be directed to our membership page or print the attached form by clicking on this link. You can email the form to [email protected] or mail it to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. Please make sure to send us your membership form so that you can be added to our members referral page!.
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June 2022
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