NNWLA's monthly newsletter is archived here
November 9th at noon: Dr. Melissa Piasecki's Substance Abuse Discussion On November 9th at noon, Dr. Piasecki will join us for a lunchtime CLE discussing substance abuse problems with legal professionals in the 2nd floor conference room at Public Defender/Alternate Public Defender/Social Services Office located at 350 S. Center Street. Studies indicate that attorneys report twice the rate of hazardous drinking when compared to the general population. Attorneys are also vulnerable to other substance and mental health problems. This interesting one hour presentation, which meets Nevada Bar CLE requirements, identifies 10 major risk factors and strategies that you can use to address them. 1 credit substance abuse CLE pending. Tickets are $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and $30 for a member plus one guest. Your ticket will include a catered lunch from The Cheese Board. Lunch will include assorted sandwiches on freshly baked breads, a baby green salad, and freshly made desert bars and cookies. Please RSVP by November 3rd at 5 p.m. at http://www.nnwla.com/events.html. To pay by check, please RSVP to [email protected] and send your check to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. A Word From Our President As we approach the holiday season, I want to reach out to each of our members to ask you to consider helping us with our annual Holiday Shopping event with Veterans Elementary. This year it will take place on Saturday, December 16th at 8:00 a.m. at the JCPenney store in the Meadowood Mall. For this important event, we collect donations from our members in any amount and, based on what we collect, volunteers take the children shopping with $100 (or more if there is a coupon!) for warm clothes and maybe even a few toys. Many of these children have hand-me-down clothes that are not necessarily sufficient for the cold winter months in Reno. These children delight in getting to spend their shopping money on items they need, and on a fun toy or two. As a volunteer, you are rewarded by getting to help the children shop and see first-hand the joy this event brings to these children and their families. For me, this has been a highlight of my holiday season each year, and I try to bring at least one of my teenage daughters along to help. There are three ways that you can participate in the Shopping event: 1) donate whatever money that you can afford (for every $100 collected, we can add another child to the event); 2) volunteer to help a child shop on December 16th; and/or 3) ask your law firm or other friends and family to donate and/or volunteer. Even if you cannot afford a donation, your help with shopping is crucial to making the event a great success for the kids. NNWLA will be sending out many blog posts in upcoming weeks with the specific details on how you can donate or RSVP to be a shopper. The children (and NNWLA) greatly appreciate your participation in this annual event! - Laury Macauley NNWLA Holiday Events Please join us on December 13th at 5:30 p.m. for our annual Holiday party at Judge Simons’ stunning home. Please RSVP to [email protected] prior to December 6th. Directions will be provided upon RSVP. On December 16th, we will hold our annual shopping event for the students of Veterans Memorial Elementary School. NNWLA is looking for volunteers to shop with the children and for donations to pay for the gifts. If you would like to volunteer to be a shopper, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Information on how to donate is available at http://www.nnwla.com/events.html. For every $100 received, we are able to add one more child to the shopping event. As a thank you, we will publish a list of our volunteers and donors in the January NNWLA publication. The donors will be published in the following categories: Gold ($200 and above); Silver ($100- $199); and Bronze ($1- $99). Any amount, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated and will ensure that more children can participate! To donate by check, please send your check to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. Employment Opportunity: United States Magistrate Judge Join the 2018 NNWLA Publications Committee The NNWLA Board is seeking volunteers to fill positions on the 2018 Publications Committee. The NNWLA Board and committee members typically meet for 1-2 hours each month to plan CLE events and networking opportunities for our members. The members of the Publications Committee are expected to contribute one to two articles or interviews each year for the NNWLA Blog. The Committee is ideal for individuals who want to volunteer and participate, but who cannot make the time commitment required for a regular Board position. Please let us know if you are interested in becoming more involved with our fantastic organization! For more information about this opportunity, please contact Marilee Cate at [email protected]. UNR Mock Trial Fundraiser: Wednesday, November 15th ![]() Join the NNWLA Downtown Lunch Mentoring Circle NNWLA is seeking members for our downtown lunch mentoring circle. This mentoring circle meets at noon every third Thursday at the Washoe Public House. In the mentoring circles, NNWLA members will have the opportunity to give advice, get advice, share experiences, and referrals in a friendly environment. This is a fantastic opportunity aimed at building stronger connections among our members and fostering professional development. If you are interested in joining, please email [email protected].
Membership Renewal Are you considering a membership with NNWLA? Any dues paid from now until the end of this year will count towards your 2017 and your 2018 membership dues. Members not only get special pricing on events, but coming soon, NNWLA is working on setting up a webpage where members can look to get and give referrals. Please click on this link to be directed to our membership page.
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