NNWLA's monthly newsletter is archived here
Legal Writing in a Technological Age CLE on April 19th Please join NNWLA on April 19th for a 1 hour CLE luncheon at noon on Legal Writing in the 2nd floor conference room of the Washoe Public Defender/Alternate Public Defender/Human Services’ building located at 350 South Center Street. Our speaker will be Professor Mary Beth Beazley from Boyd. She has taught legal writing for 35 years and authored numerous articles and texts on the subject of legal writing. Her current scholarship focuses on the behavioral aspects of legal writing and legal reading, and on the impact that digital platforms have on the cognitive aspects of legal reading. Professor Beazley will focus the course on her recent scholarship and teach us about legal writing with technology in mind. The event will be catered by the Cheese Board. The food will be served buffet style and will include salad, a variety of sandwiches, dessert, and water. Please note that you will have to go through a metal detector to enter the building. We will be serving lunch starting at 11:45 a.m., so please feel free to arrive early to ensure that we can start promptly at noon. The cost for the event is: $15 for members, $20 for non-members, and $30 for a member plus a guest. In order to ensure that we have enough seats and food for everyone, please RSVP by April 16th. You can RSVP by paying for the event on our website (http://www.nnwla.com/events.html) or by sending an email to [email protected] and mailing a check attention to Jenna Garcia, P.O. Box 40953, Reno, NV 89504. We Need Volunteers for our May 1st Lawyer in the Library Event Over the past few years, NNWLA members have staffed a large lawyer in the library event once a year. This year we are holding our event on Law Day, which is Tuesday, May 1st. The event will run from 5:30 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. We now organize the volunteers and the participants by practice area, so do not worry about being in a situation where you are going to be paired with someone who has a question in an area of law that is completely outside your practice. We have had wonderful feedback from the community and the Judges from the Second Judicial District Court on our lawyer in the library events. Each year we have been able to serve over 60 participants, which would not have been possible without you. The earlier you volunteer, the more people the law library can get on their list to participate. Let’s make this the best year yet! Please e-mail [email protected] to volunteer for this event. When you volunteer, please indicate what your practice area is or what areas you are comfortable assisting individuals. ![]() Sustaining Member Spotlight This month, we are featuring Judge Connie J. Steinheimer as our Sustaining Member of the Month. Judge Steinheimer graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno with a degree in social psychology. She received her law degree from Willamette University. She began her legal career as a Deputy District Attorney. In 1984, she entered private practice specializing in civil and criminal litigation. Judge Steinheimer was first elected as a Second Judicial District Court Judge in 1992. She was re-elected in 1996, 2002, 2008, and 2014. Judge Steinheimer is the longest presiding District Judge currently serving not in a senior capacity in Nevada. We are very fortunate to have someone with so much experience as a member of our judiciary! Judge Steinheimer is currently the District Judge in Department 4. She maintains an extremely busy criminal and civil docket. NNWLA greatly appreciates the time that Judge Steinheimer spent preparing for the intriguing CLE for our March event as well as answering some questions that we had for her for this article. When she is not on the bench, Judge Steinheimer enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. Her favorite activities include swimming, reading, going to Pilates classes, and spending time at Lake Tahoe. Below are a few of the specific questions and answers from our interview with Judge Steinheimer: How do you balance your professional life with your personal life? “I try to always be present wherever I am. So if I am at work, work has my whole focus. When I am at home, personal life has my whole focus. Although at times, it is easier said than done. I am very fortunate to have a very supportive spouse and children who have made it possible to blend professional life and personal life a bit.” What made you decide to become a judge? “I decided I wanted to be a judge because I no longer enjoyed winning just for winning’s sake. The advocate role was not as enjoyable as it once had been, and I found myself looking for the correct result- best result for all involved. I also felt I could make more of a difference as a judge than I was able to make in the community as an attorney in private practice.” What do you enjoy the most about being a judge? “I enjoy all aspects of my judicial experience. It is wonderful that I am able to deal with so many members of the bar and the public. It is gratifying to be able to affect change in policy and procedures that make the judicial system work better. I have also been very involved in Access to Justice issues. Being a judge has allowed me to have a strong voice in the changes we have been able to institute throughout the state for those who cannot afford counsel.” ![]() Congratulations Judge Grossman A fellow NNWLA member, Dixie Grossman, was appointed by Governor Brian Sandoval to fill the vacancy in Department 2. Judge Grossman was sworn-in by Chief Judge Freeman on Monday, March 26th. Judge Grossman will have a formal investiture at a later date. Judge Grossman started her legal career in Reno, Nevada as a law clerk in family court. She clerked for Judge Schumacher, Judge McGee, and Judge Doherty. After clerking, she practiced family law at Fahrendorf, Viloria, Oliphant & Oster. In 2008, she worked for Silverman, Decaria & Kattleman. She worked in private practice for family law until she was selected to serve as the Juvenile Court Master for the Second Judicial District Court in 2013. Judge Grossman graciously allowed us to interview her for an article, which will be featured in our next bog. Please join us in congratulating Judge Grossman! Law Clerk Position for Department 2 Court Master Job Opportunity Thank you Judge Steinheimer for an Informative Trial Practice Seminar Please join NNWLA in thanking Judge Steinheimer for making our March luncheon such an enjoyable event. Whether the attendee was new to the practice of law or an experienced trial practitioner, everyone was able to take away some valuable tips from the discussion. If you were unable to attend the event, please feel free to take a look at below handout for some important information on what you should know if you are appearing in Department 4 (or any other courtroom): Free Presentation on Sealing Criminal Records
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